
For the longest time I had a small garden. They consisted mainly of containers with the exception of a small raised bed in a postage stamp sized backyard. Even though I worked in the industry (horticulture), the pay didn’t necessarily allow me to splurge on a rental with sunny land to grow. There was one season, I found a plot to rent for free and farmed that 1/2 acre and sold at the local farmer’s market. For many years than not, I was confined to containers.

Plants live a semi-tortured life in containers. Containers are great even cute but not best vessel for some plants to live to their full potential. When one doesn’t water a fully grown plant in a container, they shrivel. That pretty tomato can be looking sad in a moment’s notice. A heat wave could sweep through which often does in our dry Northern California climate. The sun will bake the sides of those black containers, I can’t imagine how the roots feel. Terracotta? Those porous things exude more water through their pores than Ham from Sandlot on a summer day. The roots can only grow so deep until they want to burst out from the pot which I’ve no doubt seen. Either splitting out the sides like the first stretch in the morning or driving a root through that tiny drainage hole to whatever soil lies beneath them. Though some plants do well in containers and may actually prefer it, most don’t like it and can often succumb to diseases from constant watering and stress.

But! But! Please don’t let my details of container plants worst moments deter you. It’s better than nothing and they kept my interest in plants going through what seemed like constant moving. After a lease ran its course, they were often loaded into the back of a truck and taken to the next home. Maybe this home would be where they will be planted in soil. Real soil, not that mix in a bag bought at the store. The stuff with sticks and stones and a biome still not fully understood. Sadly. that often that wasn’t the case, they stayed in their containers. Until now, until this beautiful dirt lot before me was welcome into my life through my partner. She had bought a house in Sonoma County and it’s where I found my family, our home, and as the cliche goes, I’ve let my roots sink in.

Not only did I let my metaphorical roots sink in but it was time to set those plants free. Amongst the years of carrying containers I often wished, prayed to the plant gods that a visitor would find my small garden. A visitor in the form of plant that I didn’t sow or grow. One that appeared through a bird’s scat. One that was carried through the wind on a breezy day. One that showed up for just no good reason.

To me this visitor would be a welcome surprise. Oh wow, something new! A message from the wild. All without lifting a finger. These plants some may consider common (or even a weed) weren’t so common in my traveling container garden. They’re taken for granted by the land rich and sprayed with chemicals to go away. Throwing away the opportunity to study it. Admire its beautiful flower with folklore names like Scarlet Pimpernel. The ability to velcro to your clothes as cleavers does. Purslane, a leaf so succulent and featured in the fanciest of restaurants. Don’t get me started on the medicinal properties of these plants.

Cleavers, if you ever see it. Pick a stem and watch it stick to your clothes. I’ve been told this is the plant that inspired velcro!

To this day, I always leave special places for these visitors to do their thing and shout their song. One walking in our garden might point out these plants that litter the pathways like volunteer onions or bushy dandelions. Cleavers growing up a back fence or wild strawberries nesting alongside a raised bed. Have you ever had a to tear out a volunteer sunflower because it wasn’t in a good spot? Let me tell you, it’s heartbreaking. But with that torn out sunflower, there are several others growing where they will. Visiting spots in the garden that I never intended them to. A beautiful process playing out before my eyes.

the zen of pruning roses

It’s been a few years since I had a pruning job. I forgot how joyful the simple process can be. The weather has gotten colder and the leaves have fallen off the roses, the perfect time to break out the pruners. Note,”pruners,” if you think pruning roses is about breaking out the hedge trimmers, you’re wrong. It’s much more than that.

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It’s about sliding your hands down the stem to find buds you can’t see. Feeling for which direction the bump in the stem is pointing and either accepting the position or moving further down. You’ll mostly want to cut right above the buds facing outwards from the plants but I leave a few on the inside to fill the center so it’s not completely void of foliage.

Pruning roses is about peaking underneath the top leaves to find the stems breaking through the soil and underneath the graft, yelling “you chopped my head off!” These shoots that come from below the graft aren’t the rose you necessarily desire but they don’t know that. They just have a will to live but you must remove them or they will take over. You remove them to form the shape, to prevent overcrowding of stems and leaves that can cause poor airflow and disease.

You’ll want to take a step back from the beautiful specimen to examine it’s form. Often you can get so consumed in the pruning that you don’t know what it looks like from a regular viewing distance and not from the twelve inches your eyes are seeing it from. You may find a branch that you missed, a rose that wasn’t deadheaded, or a shape that just seems slightly off. I believe rose pruning has parallels to life. We can get so caught up in our day to day that we don’t take a step back to take a look at the larger picture. Maybe we need to trim something that is not serving us or change ever so slightly the direction of our life.

Regional Parks Botanical Garden at Tilden in Berkeley, California

Spring is a great time to invite your neighbors or friends who aren’t necessarily interested in plants to take a hike through a local park or botanical garden. Even if their interest lies far away from the ‘natural’ world, the showy blooms of many of our native and non native flowers will spark their interest for an hour or two. Who knows? Maybe they will catch the plant bug. I know for me, once I’m introduce to something, I began to have more appeciation for what it is, whether it be a plant, mushroom, make-up technique, fast car, anything!

I visited the Botanical Garden at Tilden in Berkeley with my friend Samantha the other day. This place has been around since 1940 and it shows. There is an amazing display of plants from all regions of California. It’s a great way to see the state’s flora in one place. Did I mention it’s free?!? There is also tours on Saturday and Sundays.

Here are a few pictures from a recent visit to the gardens…



Reduce nutrient runoff by knowing your soil

As the weather warms in the spring, a mix of perennial and annual plants in the garden begin to bloom, providing an array of colors contrasting with the gray of winter. 

Grape vines break out of dormancy, and gardeners walk in limbo, deciding when to plant their first tomatoes to avoid Sonoma County’s late spring frosts. This is also a time when most gardeners and farmers enrich the soil by applying fertilizers and compost. At the farm or at home, fertilizer can sometimes be essential but when applied excessively, it can cause nutrient runoff, damaging water quality and habitat. There are ways to avoid these environmental problems by taking responsible actions to promote soil health.

Applying too much fertilizer may cause nutrients to leach through the soil before the plant has a chance to use them. When this happens, the water-soluble nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphates get deposited into our water supply. This causes a process called eutrophication.

The higher nutrient levels in streams cause algae (that green stuff on the top of the water) to grow excessively. As this algae dies and decomposes (breaks down), it depletes the water of oxygen, causing the death of other organisms that can’t survive on the low levels of oxygen. Eutrophication is a natural process but is often exaggerated by human influence.

For example, in the Florida Gulf, where the Mississippi River drains, there is commonly a large dead zone that has been growing in size, often in correlation with the use of chemical fertilizers. 

Both humans and animals can be affected by high nitrogen in our water supply, causing birth defects and other health problems. There are ways to avoid polluting our waterways while providing an adequate amount of nutrients to plants at home and at the farm. The techniques include soil testing, adding compost, using plant-based fertilizers when needed and planting native trees and shrubs.

Testing your soil, whether you’re a home gardener or farmer, is a great idea. Why? It can provide a detailed analysis of what nutrient levels your soil contains. 

It will allow you to make better decisions about when to fertilize, what fertilizer to use and how much. Testing will help reduce runoff and your expenses on unneeded products.

In most gardens, fertilizer may not be necessary. The addition of compost and mulch will provide the plants with enough nutrients to thrive. Compost does its job by adding important nutrients and organic matter, while the mulch will help conserve moisture and eventually turn into compost. Some heavy feeding plants require large amounts of nutrients to keep production high. Tomatoes and peppers are heavy feeders and may need fertilizer added to the beds each year.

There are many choices when it comes to fertilizer. Walking through most garden centers, you’ll often see fertilizers that are petroleum based, which take more energy to produce and are more prone to leaching into our water systems. There are some alternatives to these fertilizers such as cover crops, manures and plant based fertilizers, which often break down at a slower speed. These ‘organic’ soil amendments break down slowly to provide a gradual release of nutrients to the plants. These fertilizers have a lesser chance of getting into our water. 

For our water to be cleaner and our energy used more efficiently, farms and gardeners should test their soils, rely less on petroleum-based fertilizers, add compost and mulch, and incorporate cover crops and plant and animal-based fertilizers when needed. 

These healthy and more sustainable practices will allow our gardens and farms to thrive while having less negative impacts on soils, wildlife, and local and global water ecology.

This article was originally published in the Community Voice on March 8th, 2013.

A link to the original article: